
News from burning France

Polisson is a translation project, created to reinforce links between struggles that take place on other Territories, in other languages.
In order to introduce the fights from here, and to make easier the exchange; to spread information from the daily and social war; against prisons, and for a solidarity network.

We want to take time to focus on local, self-organized struggles, and to not wait for the press to consider the happening as valuable, turning it into spectacular.

This project started on November 2009, and had some difficulties to survive after May 2010, due to the lake of participation for the translation work. The feeling to always run after the events, and to not have time to concentrate on more general projects (like brochures, leaflefts, books written during a social movement). Moreover, we had some computer bugs. The ’blog’ may not be appropriate, and we would be glad to aim other forms, as a real website (with as much security as we can reach) and so on. But for now, we concentrate on a plateform that is able to spread around all what is not said by the mainstream media – share ideas and strategies, analysis and organization.

Don’t hesitate to contact us- to send texts, translations, or anything else you think could be interesting. Also, don’t hesitate to talk about this translation project, if you have friends around: our english is still poor, we usually don’t speak this language. We actually really need some help!

  • You can contact us at: polissons [at] riseup [dot] net
  • Here the last blog address, where you can find more info of these last months:


Polisson- a naughty child, a scallywag


Petit garçon malpropre et qui traîne dans les rues. Un petit polisson. Cet enfant joue toute la journée avec les polissons du quartier. Il a un féminin : Polissonne.


Il se dit aussi d’un enfant trop dissipé et trop espiègle.


Il se dit encore d’un homme qui a l’habitude de dire ou de faire des plaisanteries inconvenantes, qui a gardé les mauvaises façons d’un écolier mal élevé. Un vieux polisson.


Il est aussi un terme de mépris et d’injure par lequel on désigne un homme qui ne jouit d’aucune considération. Cet homme n’est qu’un polisson. Il convient bien à un polisson comme lui de…


Il s’emploie aussi adjectivement et signifie Qui est licencieux, libre, en parlant des personnes et des choses. Une chanson polissonne.


Dictionnaire de l’Académie française.